Sunday, April 18, 2010


I got to my aunt's house, very eager to see my kitties. As I went to the backyard, imagine my surprise when i saw that they were gone. I started crying, and questioning where were my cats. My aunt peeked from my bedroom's window and just said "Willie came in last week and took them... He said it was just too much work for me... I don't know why".

So I went to my car, driving like a speed-demon, and reached my uncle's home. Now, instead of Sultanita it was in the Altura (at least that's what the view told me... with high trees and even strawberries). I reached a house that was perched at the edge of a big chasm... The house looked deserted, everything inside was in ruins. I got a glimpse of a black shadow running upstairs, and so I followed.

A big room, with an open window that reached the edge of the chasm... I could not see the ending of the pit. And on the edge, I saw three of my kitties taking a nap. Isis rushed to greet me, and Kali kept going back and forward... The chasm looked eerie, and a slight tremor turned into a big shake. All kitties were flying around, and the house began to crumble down on top of us all.

Don't you just love those thrilling endings?

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