Thursday, July 12, 2012

Psyche Assault

So few dreams that I remember... But this one made me wake up shivering and scared. I couldn't go back to sleep, and it just affected me for a big time... even now that I recall it. A few weeks ago I dreamed that we were in a place we've never seen before... by the looks of it tha place was crowded and everything was fulled with dark colors. Some stairs, and as I walked by I found a hangar-like building with open giant doors. Inside there was a market. I just browsed and decided to go back home. On the way, I realized D was not in her wheelchair. She was on the floor, as a crowd passed by filling the street and making chaos. As I went to her a group of angry people grabbed us, screaming at us. I tried to set free as the others threw D on the floor and started punching her and kicking her mainly in chest and sides. Blood poured everywhere as obvious oblivion came upon D, and satisfied laughter came from the ones doing this. I was set free in time to hold D and see her eyeballs going up and stare going blank. I woke up shivering, with a pain in my chest and pretty much agitated and in panic. This dream hit a nerve real hard...

Today as we arrived home we saw drug dealers doing a transaction in front of our apartment. We are quite mad and angry about it. And then I recalled this dream and I was struck by fear... This is not a normal for me, as I am quite in your face... But the thought I keep in the back of my head is that they would not shoot us all... they would kill her. They know that's how they would get to us. And this makes me beyond mad, beyond outraged, and beyond scared. I really hate this place... When will we get some peace? When?

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