Sunday, April 18, 2010


Of all weird things, I was driving a car with an old friend at my side. We debated where to go eat, and ended up in a Taco maker in the middle of nowhere in Arkansas (???). As we went into the fast-food place, I took Miss Deedee with her wheelchair and primary equipment to the bathroom as she needed to be changed... When we got there, the bathroom was "dorm style", and then three old aquaintances appeared, joking around. I was becoming quite anoyed with the disturbance, as Deedee had started desating and I needed help (and was not getting it).

They started messing with the respiratory equipment, things flew around and went to the floor... all was a big mess. I was angry and started yelling at everyone "Dont you understand? These things MUST be sterile! There are too many germs here! Don't you get it? She cannot use that now! I need an ambu! I need the machine! Come on!" As I yelled I was trying to handle Deedee who was reaching below the 50s and was turning palish blue. All the while, everyone else laughing...

Needless to say, I woke up panicked.

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