Thursday, February 25, 2010

Talking about Weird...

I walked towards a table within a library, and it was quite crowded. Everyone had tons of open books, most of them openned within pages about Earth evolution, archeology and paleontology... Then I see this lady comes to the opposite side of the table, sits down, and studies some. It called my attention that she was dressed in exploring gear (reminding me of Indiana Jones). After a while she suddenly gets up and looks around... And it is then that I realized that it was Sigourney Weaver! One of the girls in the table Send a loud Shhhhh to her, then mumbled so I could her her "Who do she thinks she is?". I replied in a low tone "Ermm... You dont know her? Helloooo! Aliens trilogy... Galaxy Quest... Avatar". Nothing, blank... I was quite aggravated, being surrounded by younglings that knew nothing of nothing unless they shimmered in daylight... Then the scary lady passed by behind me, apparently she seemed to be heading out. I halted her, asking for her autograph. She hesitated, rolling her eyes, but after thinking about it briefly she smiled and said "Paper and pen?" I took my notebook, and instead of looking for a blank page I gave her a page that had many numbers. (WTF) She started writing, then thinking and then writing more. She gave me back the notebook, smiled, and went away. As I checked the notebook I saw that she wrote a passage of a book, and that title and special words were all written with special characters. The letters were shaped perfectly, and it looked as if it was a page ripped off a novel. There seemed to be a "swampish" image behind the dedication... My eyes went up to the initial words, were you could identify her signature "Sigourney Weaver".

And then I woke up... wondering why in blazes would I have a dream like that (I am a fan of Aliens not Sigourney)... You know, scary stuff...


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