Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The whore and the bloody hand

The vision is very, very blurred. A man walking with an arm raised before him... Blurred images in darkyones of yellow. Very murky setting, streets filled with crowds, then he turns and its all empty but murky...


A corroded door. I opened it, and the interior of a messy house is revealed. The colors everywhere look as if faded, darks and yellowish hues are the only colors picked by my eyes. In the room there seems to be a couple: a blonde gal around her fourties and a guy that felt familiar. She had the look of a bar girl of the 20's, complete with boa and feathers. They seemed to be cuddling, as soon as the guy realized I was in the room he went to say hello to me as if nothing where happenning. Oh, yes, the guy was familiar indeed, although he looked different... I was upset, ranting about how dare him bring to our home that blonde trash. She jumps in to the argument telling him that how could he deceive her, that it was not his home only.


The guy, dressed in rags, walking around pushing himself to go on. His voice an eternal whine of pain. His right arm extended, his hand kept within a box covered all by blood and dirt. The box had holes, from which you could peak into the bloody hand. I heard a voice over, as if getting inside the guy's head "They laugh, they mock me... they know nothing of my pain... I rot, cancer eats my hand, makes its flesh fall little by little, piece by piece... I rot... eaten alive... the pain". Then it hits me, although the vision is blurred, the voice and tone are the same as Luis Felipe, my half-brother from Texas. The blurred shape has hints of his face and bodytype. He goes on whining and keeping his extended bloody arm...


Blonde hacking up at my familiar guy with a purse, while I was hacking him up with bare hands. She stops as she gets thrown in the floor. He pushes me towards him and starts kissing me deadly, pushing a door and pushing me through it into the darkness.


Whining bloody hand guy keeps walking, and I see his box-covered hand from many angles. Final shot, a close-up to one of the bloody holes when the image within shifts to a bloody eye...

And I woke up, startled.

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