Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Nerw Orleans wishing

I don't recall most dreams, and it's been long ever since I had my last one. Nevertheless, I woke up this morning thanks to the excitement that I felt within this dream... And oddly enough I remembered it all... So here goes...

"I was in a tour, it seemed. Cramped small car, perhaps a Matrix. Anyway… There was this mansion… old, creaky, museum-like. We were asked to leave the shoes in a corner and go into a ride that showed off the place (a la Haunted House mode). Lovely building, very plantation-like… I knew we were in Louisiana, in a mansion within the area of New Orleans.

Anyway… Plenty of spinning, artwork, even hints of ghosts… End of tour. I was complaining about the shoes… where were they? And I saw this black thin guy that was seating in the floor drawing something. I recognized him instantly as one famous comic book drawing artist, and went to cheerfully ask for his autograph. At first he looked bothered, but upon my insistence and my mentioning all his work which I collected he smirked and took the paper I offered him. Oddly enough, he draw something and signed the back of a big envelope that was oddly decorated with splashing bits of colors and glimmer. He gave that to me, and I was thanking him when I turned the envelope around and could not get out of my astonishment. I exclaimed jumping of joy: “ÖMG! OMG!”

The guy looked at me weird. ‘What?” I exclaimed: “Karah! This was a letter from Karah! You know Karah! It says DKRimmer! You know Karah!”He was puzzled and very surprised. “Damn, you know Karah? She’s arriving anytime soon, she’s to pick me up… She’s an old friend”. “Anytime soon! Damn! My tour is going! My tour is… almost gone!” The group that I was in was already inside their cars, the girls that were with me were in the Matrix and were about to close the door. I ran inside the car, being completely exasperated… I just yelled at the guy “Tell her I was here! Tell her I’ll meet her soon!” Then I turned to the cramped girl at my side “Where are the fricking shoes?”

I woke up… Late for work… Again… Sheesh! But I felt oddly happy and cheery. Don't know why I dreamt of Karah, but hey... Maybe being with that famous artist means she will be hitting jackpot soon, becoming one of the rich and famous? Could it be she should move to New Orleans to actually find/achieve all she's looking for? LOL Who knows... Good karma sent her way, always.