Thursday, August 17, 2006

Executioner's Blade

A frenzy filling my senses, as an alarm sets off in the darkness. Raindrops fall making the ground unstable and shaky. Still, desperation moves mountains, and the dread goes on...

Blurred vision. An insane run seems to be taking place... Nowhere to hide... A shade follows close, sometimes letting itself be lost in the shadows of the forest.

Beyond midnight, and the sky has no stars to light the way, neither it has a moon to lit the journey. Complete darkness, the thump of a heart's beat becomes present, as it goes on in a higher pitch by the second...

The sound of a razor sharp blade echoes, as the blade bites the wood of trees and the branches that comes to meet it. It is out for blood... It is out to have fun. It woun't stop until its dark desire comes true...

I run. I see the blurred vision, and female eyes with tears made up of blood. Rain blurs all images, all shadows, all shapes...

A glimmer halts me on my tracks, a glimmer coming too fast to try slitting my throat... Only a glimpse at the velvet glove of the entity that shall be known as my executioner...

And a beeping sound wakes me up.